Walk out of Darkness😔

(By -H)

I felt both peace and darkness filling my heart,
Darkness gives revenge in life but, peace protects us form falling in dark.,.,

My journey wasn't cruel but neither easy,
Like others I've failed , and felt life was my enemy.,.,

My Birth Started with beth, God's messages & religion  clash,
Didn't want them soo faced folk's wrath.,.,

At age of eight didn't want diety &
Beaten up to accepct and stiff, my
Life was helled.,.,

Stepped as teen with no home, no bonds and fears,
Worked to eat, lived for self to prove what I was & what I had.,.,

Hailed by both love and help from people I never met,
Created reasons for others to trust me & made bonds with them,.,.,

In twenties I was young for world
but adult to understand it's beauty,
Pain kills us like it killed me but, bonds and sharing get us divine peace.,.,

I felt both peace and darkness filling my heart,
Darkness gives guilt in life but, peace protects us form falling in dark.,.,

*(Copyrighted and exclusive)


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