Blood in church


I've killed my mind in that pain , I've been a child with pure innocence,
But , I've lost everything on which I've bid.

I was to blind to foresee anything , any consequence, but I'd made my move, tore him to peices,
I've killed him in church, I'm no human to cared ,I've killed him in church, I won't be spared.

Lost my senses,I was just defending never wanted that to happen, no weapon tore down him bare handed,
In that Church, infront of Christ, I've turned to ghoul, those candle, that books and angle witness my rage like a beast out of cage.

Blood fallen, my hands were red, I was mad, graves howled, moon went red, that was end,
I ended up killing him in that holy place, he died his blood was on ground, I was cursed hound, I slurped blood ate flesh of dead.

Christ felt filth on me, he cried that I'll die horribly, will go to hell and shed tears of blood,
It changed me I'm nothing to be cared of, I've nothing to care, I killed him in church and I'm worst to be called human.


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