Final Show


Stop looking for love, you're thinking about it all day,
Love will just break your heart, you can reach to stars someday.

Just listen to your brain, your clothes will not take you to her,
Shining light that won't let you sleep, is she your only dream.

Stop wasting time, live more your life, which you are loosing by going before her,
Because she isn't all that you'll need, make your dreams real and they will never leave you someday.

Look up see those bird, they always fly alone, because they know love will give them pain,
Stop crying for her she doesn't understand your tears, shed them for your hardwork instead.

Folk man telling me their love stories in falling moon light,
They moved from their love for  work and now they are here in peace.

If you're in love then, welcome this is your last show,
Hope you'll be alright ,when she'll go, somewhere so far away from you.


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